Donnerstag, 29. September 2011

Underwhelmed, but so what from.

Hello folks,

if you could decipher the title and interpreted it correctly, you may guess the following already. If not, never mind:
That so-called job interview was no job interview at all. Very fustrating. I applied for a job AT the Zeitarbeitsfirma. They invited me for a talk, which I took to be a job interview. However, when I arrived I soon found out that they just wanted to talk a bit about my CV (Lebenslauf) in order to decide if they could propose me for another job someone might offer them. Isn't that great? No! I fucking applied for a job at their place, not to be shipped off to some Hella-Fließband. And since most of their customers are in the industry, the chance of them asking the Zeitarbeitsfirma to find them someone like me is approx. a "once-every-few-years-chance" like when their own Geisteswissenschaftler broke their leg or something.
Underwhelming, isn't it. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother. 

By the way, if you wonder why I'm writing in english, it wasn't a conscious decision. It just started in english and I think I was so fed up by delivering yet another rant about my oh so sad situation, I wanted to write something different for a change. Even if only the language differs from the usual. Kanske jag kommer att skriva någonting på svenska nästa gång. Vem vet. Ibland tycker jag om prata på svenska, så kanske det kunna bli bra att skriva det också.
That was swedish. With at least one mistake, probably.

And now to something completely different: Yesterday I went to the cinema to watch the Three Musketeers, in 3D. That was fun! Although at first I was completely surprised that they all spoke german (I am just not used to watch german movies), it was still nice. Not too historically accurate of course (not that I am such an expert of that time, or the story, come to it), but it came with a) goodlooking men (and women), b) lots of swordfighting and action, and c) witty banter. Also with a funny young french king whose haircut I imagine looks just like my father's when he was that age ;-), and an english noblemen, who somehow looks like a pirate. And not least, with a french palace that looks remarkable like the Residenz in Würzburg. All in all, nice entertainment.

Aaaaand that's all for today, folks.
Good night, good fight.

1 Kommentar:

  1. How come the "french" palace looked like the Residenz in Würzburg? Maybe, because they filmed in settings such as Bamberg, Nürnberg and Würzburg ;-) It was a good laugh from the local audience in Würzburg seeing their city in a trailer of the musketeer movie: "Oh, so green - and - oh, what a huge Residenz!" CGI hails.
